[Anderson] employs various techniques specific to each instrument in shaping compelling and mysterious narratives… brooding orations…sweeping and animated flights…expressive, vital commentary…piquant dialogue…

Douglas Anderson’s music may follow a guiding thread of atonality, but since the New York native’s tastes are eclectic, so are his works. MUSIC IN DIVERSE STYLES is a showcase of Anderson’s genre-busting creativity, a deep exploration of musical paradigms.
News & Press
- Jun212025
Make Music New York: Mozart Requiem
Douglas Anderson will once again be conducting Mozart's Requiem on June 21 as part of the Make Music New York Summer Solstice Festival. This is an open performance, and all singers and instrumentalists are invited to come and be part of this exciting and fulfulling annual event. Watch this space for details as they emerge, [...]
Works for
Explore a diverse range of vocal compositions, spanning solo voice, choral pieces, and intricate song cycles. From the evocative Cassandra Songs for mezzo-soprano and piano premiered by Esther Hickman, to early acclaimed works like Haiku for voice alone, experience the richness of the composer’s vocal repertoire across various vocal formats.